...that Americans have the right to own assault rifles? Yes No
...in reincarnation? Yes No
...that the "information superhighway" will ever be built? Yes No
...that Clinton can win the next election? Yes No
...in the healing power of crystals? Yes No
...in astrology? Yes No
...in Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster? Yes No
...that the Contract with America will be completely fulfilled? Yes No
...that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone? Yes No
...that we should trim federal funding for Public Broadcasting, Welfare and other social services? Yes No
...that we should increase federal spending on defense? Yes No
...that America is in moral decline? Yes No
...that the Internet will live up to the media hype surrounding it? Yes No
...been in a fight since high school? Yes No
...shoplifted? Yes No
...taken a controlled substance? Yes No
...driven drunk? Yes No
...cheated on a committed relationship? Yes No
Bill Clinton Bob Dole Ross Perot
Thank you for participating in this poll. Results will be publicized in the March 13th issue of MELVIN.
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