Melvin Contest #23

Ah, paste! The very name conjures a sudden non-toxic snack attack. Unless you were a prancing nancy-boy in primary school, you've ingested vats of Elmer's savory victual. Now is your chance to become the King or Queen of Paste by creating a tasty casserole, garnish or muffin utilizing Elmer's edible Sno-Drift (TM) Paste.

To enter, concoct an original foodstuff using paste. Paste need not be the central ingredient, but it must be included in the recipe. Your confection may be a dessert, appetizer, main course or any other type of dish.

E-mail your entry to, or submit your entry below. Be sure to include your name e-mail address, and daytime phone number. Entries will be judged for overall flavor and creative use of paste. All entries must be received by January 15, 1995 to be eligible to win.

The winning entry will be published in the January 30th issue of MELVIN. The Grand Prize Winner will receive:

One entry per person. Employees of New Media Publishing, Inc., its affiliates, the Onion, HCP, Inc. and Pacific Records are ineligible. Elmer's Sno-Drift Paste is a registered tradmark (R) of the Borden Corporation, which is not affiliated with MELVIN or this contest. Void in Cuba.