Among Carter's achievements, which have all but guaranteed him a Nobel Peace Prize, are the amendment and revocation of the Fourth and Sixth Commandments, respectively. God, said the ex-President, has lifted the prohibition against fornication, calling it "a bit harsh", and has amended the 'honor thy father and mother' rule to "give thy mother and father a fair shake, then do what thou wilt". In return, God demands more respect and a better appreciation of the complexities of His job. "Furthermore," Carter said, "atheists will still unequivocally and eternally sear in the hell that is Lucifer's fires."
President Clinton praised Carter during a tearful and resplendent Rose Garden ceremony as being "the greatest public servant since Moses." Republicans, however, were less enthusiastic about the agreement. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and House Speaker Newt Gingrich spent the weekend cloistered with the Reverend Pat Robertson, urging him to use his personal connections with the Almighty to block proposed changes.